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Guide to Chartering a New Federated Republican Women's Club


The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) works to advance Republican ideals, preserve our freedoms, and protect the integrity of our public elections. Membership in a local Republican Women’s club encompasses membership in all three levels of the organization: club, state and national. Membership dues include an amount for each level.

Starting a new local Republican women's club is easy and creates opportunities to positively impact your community. 

Here are the steps for organizing and chartering a new local club.

1. Recruit a Minimum of 10 Members

Membership in the National Federation of Republican Women is available to any Republican woman. Ten or more registered Republican women can come together to organize a club following these guidelines. In states that do not register voters by party, determining potential members is based on prospective members’ commitment to Republican ideals and issues.


2. Consult Your State Federation President

State federations must approve new local clubs. Your state federation president can offer valuable advice and support, plus she may know other women in your area interested in joining your new club. State federation presidents ensure that you adhere to all state and national rules and regulations, while helping to make the club formation process go as smoothly as possible.

>> Access the NFRW Directory to find your state federation and state federation president.


3. Determine Your Club Organization Type

Traditional clubs meet in person. Virtual clubs meet online or via another technological platform or tool.

>> More on the virtual club type


4. Establish Your Club Bylaws

Bylaws are the governing rules of an organization and are essential to its success. Club bylaws must comply with both state FRW and NFRW bylaws. Club bylaws must not conflict with either state or national bylaws.

To ensure expedited processing of your club’s application, select and download the appropriate bylaws template below. If you make changes to either of these bylaws template when creating your bylaws, the NFRW Bylaws Committee will need to review your club application bylaws submission word-by-word, and it will take more time to process your application.

>> Download Traditional Club Bylaws Template [MSWord, 12 pages, Updated June 2024]

>> Download Virtual Club Bylaws Template [MSWord, 10 pages, Updated May 2023]

5. Convene an Initial Club Meeting to Do the Following

  • Determine the club name. The word “Republican” must be included in the title of all local clubs. Local clubs may not use the word “Federation” in their names, but clubs may use the word “Federated.”

  • Determine the dues level for your club. Your new club will need to determine an annual dues amount that will provide an estimated amount of income to allow your club to operate effectively.

  • Elect club officers in accordance with your proposed club bylaws

  • Your club will be transacting funds for dues collection, other income, and club remittances. Therefore, your club must open a club bank account. At your first club meeting, be sure that your club adopts a motion authorizing the club treasurer and president to open a club bank account and to apply for a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) (which is needed to open a bank account.)

    Be sure your initial club meeting minutes record the adopted EIN/bank account motion and your club’s authorization of the president and treasurer to obtain the EIN and open a club bank account.

6. Apply to the IRS for an Employer Identification Number

The club treasurer or president can apply online with the IRS for a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN).

>> Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) online.


7. Open a Club Bank Account

Once your club treasurer and/or president has applied to the IRS for a club Employer Identification Number (EIN), you must take the following to the bank in order to open a club account:  1) a copy of your club EIN application, 2) a copy of your club bylaws, 3) a copy of the minutes from your initial club meeting authorizing establishment of a bank account.


8. Complete an Official Application Packet

Complete the official application packet and submit it to your state federation. Your application packet must include the following completed documents:

  • >> Official Club Charter Application [FILLABLE PDF, 4 pages, Updated January 2022]
  • Letter of Intent to Form a New Club  >> Sample Letter of Intent to Federate a Club [FILLABLE PDF, 1 page]
  • Roster of Officers  >> Sample Officer Roster [FILLABLE PDF, 1 page]
  • Club Bylaws (bylaws templates posted above)
  • Initial Membership Roster (documenting at least 10 members)
  • Check covering per capita state dues for at least 10 members (state dues vary by state), per capita national dues for at least 10 members ($20 per member), and the annual NFRW service charge of $15.00


Once you’ve completed these steps, your state federation will review your official application packet. With everything in good order, your state federation will then approve your club and certify your club charter application. Your club charter application will be submitted to the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), along with your proposed bylaws, officer roster and national dues/service charge.

Upon NFRW’s approval of your new club, a charter and club number will be issued, making the new club an official Federated affiliate.


Need assistance? Contact the NFRW Membership Department.


MEMBER TIP: Download more membership and club resources by logging in and visiting the Digital Resource Library.


New Club Charters