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Week of August 10, 2020

Week of August 10, 2020
Posted: Aug 13, 2020
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 22

Topic: Biden Pushes National Three-Month-Minimum Mask Mandate

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Joe Biden has called for a mask mandate requiring all Americans to wear a mask for at least the next three months. Would you support this mandate?

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22 comments on article "Week of August 10, 2020"

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Cheryl Krause, 8/14/2020 3:58 PM

Clearly Biden's handlers don't understand the concept of freedom. In a free society, members are given information and then act in accordance with their best interests. No member of government at any level should mandate the wearing of masks.

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Betty Reese, 8/14/2020 4:01 PM

Three more months would get us just past the election.....enough said!

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Wanda Franks, 8/14/2020 4:08 PM

Biden is not qualified to mandate anything

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Linda Gilman, 8/14/2020 4:20 PM

I've hardly worn one yet. Check out - masks are just downright unhealthy for the wearer and have many other cultural, religious, and political implications that freedom lovers must reject.

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Janet Price, 8/14/2020 5:21 PM

The US is not a "one size fits all" To mandate this for 3 months ignores the individuality of the states, cities and towns and most important the people who make up this country. People can be educated and encouraged to mask if and when it is appropriate, but this mandate smacks of dictatorship!

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Doug and Gayle Salter, 8/14/2020 7:45 PM

I've always felt our choice is always the best decision for us to make.

I agree with all of the above comments. well thought out and expressed. Good Going! We are carefully returning to our life as we knew it, keeping our masks handy if needed. God bless all.

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Catherine Clinton, 8/14/2020 11:03 PM

Wearing a mask is the right thing to do now. But, demanding mask wearing is wrong.

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Sara Blackburn, 8/14/2020 11:36 PM

Mask mandates violate our personal liberties.

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Debbie Phillips, 8/15/2020 9:05 AM

Medical masks do serve a purpose to protect you and those around you from respiratory droplets when talking or sneezing. As a nurse in surgery we wore masks mainly to protect the patient and equipment from becoming contaminated. However, anytime we left a room, our masks came down to breathe better air. We could take a break from the discomfort of having an item pressed up against our nose and mouth interfering with the respiratory system. It gets uncomfortable!

It’s too much to ask people to wear a mask inside and out, especially children.

If we have to wear masks, we should wear gloves too, because viruses and bacteria are not only in the air, they are everywhere we touch. Actually we are covered with microbes, inside and out, just waiting to take over if we weaken.

Our bodies are amazing in how they protect us naturally.

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Ella Ennis, 8/15/2020 10:33 AM

I wear a mask when going into a business or church where you are near people. But Joe Biden wants you to wear a mask anytime you leave your home. It is stupid to wear a mask when walking alone outside, or driving alone or with your family in your car. Biden's plan is to control the citizenry not protect our health.

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Deborah K. Guebert, 8/15/2020 1:52 PM

Absolutely this is a bureaucratic travesty of America's time honored respect for "we, the people", and our capability to self-govern. If we aren't capable of assessing how to best to live our daily lives in reasonable safety and consideration for others, what in the world does government "by the people" mean?

The other main point is that the general public does not adhere to any kind of sterile technique, so the whole charade is an exercise in futility. The first time you touch the outside of your mask, you contaminate it. Stuffing it into a pocket or a purse...??? Please, let's not even go there or I might start using capital letters. What superstitious insanity has possessed the "intelligentsia" to even consider this?

Dr. Fauci, the one who now says you'd have to have goggles to be perfectly protected, originally said clearly that for the public to use masks would be useless. Wake up, sleep walkers into captivity!

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Sally Harrington, 8/15/2020 4:26 PM

He wants all persons to wear a mask ANY TIME outside. I think I am smart enough to know that if I am in a crowded outside public venue, I will wear my mask. In my back or front yard, walking in my neighborhood or driving my car when no one else is around, is just stupid. He is an idiot and is just trying to act like he is presidential after listening to a couple of "doctors".

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Emily Nunzio, 8/17/2020 10:46 AM

Biden thinks he has federal authority to mandate mask wearing by all citizens, however, he negates that very authority of the federal government to uphold our immigration and border enforcement.

What happens if he’s elected? Oh wait, he’ll make microchipping andCovid 19 vaccines mandatory so one will not be allowed to leave their home unless they have the mark of the beast. They will send agents to individual homes to vaccinate all citizens at gunpoint. These vaccines will be fast tracked and untested for their safety and efficacy. Beware of their ultimate agenda: depopulation. If you don’t believe this, do your own research on all that has been compromised. Follow the money and for God’s sake, wake up!

God bless America!🙏🇺🇸❤️

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Ellen Horton, 8/17/2020 11:38 AM

We are a nation endowed by our Creator with well as with God-ordained expectations. We are told to encourage and exhort one another, and to share the Gospel and our testimonies. We can't do this by mumbling through a mask that covers mouth and nose.

We are encouraged to "Greet one another with a holy kiss." Well, our customs are a little different, but very often, a hug or a handshake is in order. Can't do that from a six foot distance. Shut the churches down, and you have effectively nullified the Constitution of the United States, where freedom of worship is (has been) guaranteed without government interferency.

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Michele McCarron, 8/17/2020 3:02 PM

I don't take mandates from Biden, he is not my President

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Diana, 10/19/2023 8:04 PM

The National Federation of Republican Women has always been a platform for conservative voices to come together and share their opinions on critical issues. This week's poll question about Joe Biden's proposed three-month mask mandate is a hot topic of discussion. While public health is undoubtedly essential, the question of whether to mandate masks for everyone is a complex one. Some argue that such a mandate is necessary to curb the spread of COVID-19, while others believe it infringes on personal freedom. It's fascinating to see the diverse range of opinions within the Republican women's community, and I look forward to reading the comments to gain insight into their perspectives.

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