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Week of March 15, 2021

Week of March 15, 2021
Posted: Mar 18, 2021
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 23

Topic: Requiring Voters to Show Photo ID

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Should voters be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote?

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23 comments on article "Week of March 15, 2021"

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Barbara Ellman, 3/19/2021 1:32 PM

As someone who works as an election inspector at the polls, I frequently see voters whose signatures don't look at all like their signature on record from when they registered to vote. Without voter ID, there is no way to confirm the identity of the person voting.

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Jan Burch, 3/19/2021 3:00 PM

An ID is required to visit a government office, to get on a plane or rent a car or hotel room. An ID is required to go to the doctor or fill a prescription. An ID is also required to apply for for a job or to request welfare benefits.

Is there anyone who has never confronted at least one of those situations? If that answer is "no", then everyone already has an ID. For the very few who never work or apply for welfare, don't drive or travel and are blessed with perfect health and an accident free life, states will provide a free ID to anyone who claims they can't afford it.

The question should not be whether an ID should be required to vote. It should be "Why do democrats REALLY object to Voter ID? Showing that you are who you say you are is essential to maintaining a system of "one vote per citizen." Without it, chaos reigns. It's just common sense.

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Donna R. Gillett, 3/19/2021 5:06 PM

Every RW should subscribe to The Epoch Times, a 4-section nat'l weekly newspaper full of info you need. Their March 10-16 issue had a full-page nutshell of the 30 things that Pelosi’s HR-1 does! All showing how the Bill would give federal gov’t big say over how elections would be conducted by states. All Unconstitutional. #Epoch also sends emails w/info one does not get anywhere else!

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Joanne Ladewig, 3/19/2021 8:40 PM

As someone who has worked as a both a poll worker and now in the last several years as a volunteer trained poll observer (in California), I often see people walk in and freely offer their driver's license to the poll workers. Legitimate voters have no hesitation in doing this. The only reason you might not have proper I.D. is if you just moved or married, or legally changed your name. In those cases, you can usually vote by Provisional or Conditional ballot. As a poll observer, I did see a number of voters come in last minute on Election Night in Nov. 2020, needing to register and almost all were young men! Here in California you can register at the polls up to and on Election Day (or maybe I should say, the "final" election day).

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donna voivedich-burrage, 3/22/2021 1:56 PM

I agree photo ID is imperative in order to keep our elections fair and honest. In Alabama our Secretary of State has taken numerous steps so as those who are having a difficult time obtaining a photo ID, can acquire one in ample time before the elections.

He is also open to suggestions to benefit the people of Alabama.

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krunker, 3/29/2021 12:55 AM

Great post! I didn’t knowral of these resources and I’m going to go check them out now!

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Leslie Key, 3/29/2021 11:26 PM

This is not rocket science. The Democrats are against any new election integrity laws that would make it harder to cheat to win. They label such laws racism and voter suppression. For decades, minorities in America have been using their IDs to get on an airplane, open a bank account, check into a hotel or rent a car. Yet the Democrats claim it is racist to require an ID to vote. This is a form of bigotry on the part of the Democrats- the assumption that minorities are just too helpless and too incompetent to acquire an ID to vote. Any person who needs help getting an ID to vote will be able to get that help from their state, and the Democrats are fully aware me of this. Democrats have been cheating for decades to win elections, particularly in Democrat-controlled big cities like Chicago and Philadelphia, and they don’t want any new election laws that will put a constraint on their cheating.

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noshhan, 4/29/2021 2:57 AM

Voters have no link in doing this. He got for me. The only purpose you may not have an I.D. if you have recently moved or married, or have changed your name under the law. In those cases, you can always vote by the Extra Commission or by-election. As an election observer, I saw a lot of voters at the last minute on Election Night in November. 2020, need to register and they are all young

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scribble io, 5/12/2022 11:19 PM

Thank you for your sharing, it is very helpful to me and many others. I will visit often to read your new posts. Please continue to uphold!

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foodle nyt, 10/5/2022 5:41 AM

Foodle is a word-guessing game for those who love or have knowledge of food. The game only offers one puzzle per day and challenges players all over the world. Each player will have a total of 6 guesses to find a mysterious 5-letter word. Clues will appear through each guess if matching letters appear. Players can rely on the color of the tiles to make the next guess.

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kipas guys, 12/17/2022 2:25 AM

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run 3, 2/13/2023 3:58 AM

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x trench run, 2/23/2023 8:19 PM

As an election inspector at the polls, I frequently encounter voters whose signatures do not resemble their signature on file from when they registered to vote. Without voter identification, it is impossible to confirm the voter's identity.

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Kuliah, 3/24/2023 12:33 AM


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Try Out, 3/24/2023 12:36 AM

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Kuliah Daring, 3/24/2023 12:37 AM

You have done a great job. I'm sure they will benefit from this site.

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snake io, 10/5/2023 12:05 AM

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mark, 4/3/2024 8:34 PM

Thank you very much! I'm glad I could assist you, and please know that I'm here whenever you need help or information in the future. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you continued success, happiness, and fulfillment in all your endeavors as well. Take care, and have a fantastic day! I'm also looking forward to our next interaction.

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