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Week of March 14, 2022

Week of March 14, 2022
Posted: Mar 10, 2022
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 37

Topic: Effects of Rapidly Increasing Gasoline Prices

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Is the rapidly increasing cost of gasoline causing you to alter your usual activities or travel plans?

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37 comments on article "Week of March 14, 2022"

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Rosemary Scott, 3/11/2022 2:37 PM

Because of medical problems, I am more-or-less confined to home; however, this crisis is affecting many who need their cars for more than pleasure. The President and his environmental policies are destroying economy; makes me wonder if he is doing this to destroy America and make it a puppet of the United Nations "One Word Order".

In other words: communism in spades.

God bless America, may we wake up and vight with our votes and our voices.

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Laurie Reiner, 3/12/2022 3:38 PM

Everything is going up and has increasingly since January 20, 2021. Tough choices at the grocery store empty shelves; supply chain delays, energy bills increase each month. Anything you need or want to buy is going UP UP UP! Then you're lucky if the store has it in stock. This administrations policies are the worst.

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Susan Leonhart, 3/14/2022 11:18 AM

Sorry, but only a fool would say 'no, HIGH GAS prices are not affecting me'... from DAY 1 of biden OUR GAS PRICES HAVE SOARED !! HE STOPPED OUR GREAT AMERICAN OIL AND GAS SUPPLY BY SHUTTING DOWN THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE !..biden has USED 2xs our EMERGENCY Gas/Oil reservoirs, so where will we be when we need THAT EMERGENCY GAS ??? !!! take care of yourselves and your families as best you can, when you can, as you can....peace and hope to us all.... God first, then America.

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Patsy Excell, 3/14/2022 8:42 PM

Like Ms. Rosemary Scott above, my husband and I are facing serious medical issues and leave our home only for trips to see our Oncologists or for related tests. We are fortunate that nearby family does our grocery shopping at Costco and we can always order stuff from Amazon or other mail-order outlets. Which is why my 2-year-old car has less than 3,000 miles on it. I personally enjoy the big savings because we never visit a gas station, but I am sympathetic for those who do not have the options we do. It is time we elect Republicans at the Federal level and re-open our energy pipelines and resources so we do not have to depend upon the expensive imported oil, etc.

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Victoria, 3/15/2022 10:29 PM

The increase in gasoline makes me worried. My job pays just enough to live on, now I have to pay a higher gas fee than usual, making my life more and more difficult. Really wish the world would be free of conflicts and wars. Pacman 30th Anniversary

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Stellar, 3/15/2022 10:50 PM

I have to say that the higher cost of gasoline has been affecting my life seriously. Talking about the motorbike trips, now, I will have to consider carefully whether this going out is necessary or not. If it is not obligatory, I will not go out. Not as before I ride my motorbike without any care. Instead, I will choose some entertainment way with apps/ games on right on my phone in my home. The case has been changing now. Moreover, even your cooking process in my home has been different. We have use other devices which don't use gas. To sum up, the expensiveness of gasoline absolutely affects our life. Hope that the price will be lower than this is.

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slope game, 3/20/2022 1:43 PM

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octordle, 6/13/2022 3:03 AM

I'm concerned about the rise in gasoline prices. My job pays just enough to get by, and now I have to pay a larger gas fee than usual, which is making my life increasingly tough. I sincerely wish that the world were devoid of wars and conflicts. Pacman's 30th Birthday

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John Albert, 12/9/2022 6:11 AM

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foodle, 2/22/2023 4:36 AM

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