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Week of January 21, 2019

Week of January 21, 2019
Posted: Jan 23, 2019
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 32

Topic: President Trump's Halting of Congressional Travel During Shutdown

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Do you agree with President Trump's decision to stop the Speaker and other congressional members from traveling to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan while the federal government is shut down?

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32 comments on article "Week of January 21, 2019"

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Virginia Webb, 1/23/2019 10:15 PM

As I understand, President Trump may lawfully select another venue. I think he should request and invitation from the Senate Majority Leader to speak in the Senate Chambers. Invite the Democrats. I hear many are getting tired of Speaker Pelosi not negotiating. Maybe a few will attend. If not, then we know where we stand.

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Patty Moncus, 1/25/2019 12:16 PM

He should have let her go and then refused to bring her back from Afganistan.

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K.L. Shillock, 1/25/2019 1:12 PM

Anything extracurricular needs to be stopped until Congress gets their act together......both R's & D's.

This state of Affairs (Shut-down) cannot continue. Why? Because the electorate begin to question their government. If it continues, things can get dangerous and then turn ugly. I would urge NFRW to remind our Congressional Representatives they're getting paid to make the system work. Do it!!

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Bev Hirzel, 1/25/2019 3:52 PM

We have a Secretary of State to handle relationships and problems with supporting countries. No need for these expensive jaunt vacays.

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JPP, 1/25/2019 5:53 PM

They need to stay in Washington and WORK and come to a compromise to address the thousands of immigrants flooding our southern border.

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Deanna King, 1/25/2019 7:15 PM

If he had let her go, he could have used it very effectively to point out who was interested In solving the shut down and who was not.

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Maggie Snow, 1/28/2019 12:00 PM

I believe that if government workers are not getting paid that members of Congress and their aids should not receive a paycheck either. That includes any spending on trips to foreign countries as well as any trips domestically.

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Josephine Ferro, 1/28/2019 12:07 PM

Stopping the Speaker's travel during a government shutdown was the absolutely right thing to do. also, opening the government is not caving in. Trump's strategy is right on. Now what will be the excuse of Pelosi and her sidekick, Schumer to not negotiate in good faith. Trump made the right move. He should stop their salaries if they refuse to negotiate fairly.

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J A Lichliter, 1/28/2019 3:38 PM

In the real world of business, it you don't do your work you are put on probation or fired. You should be at your desk working. You don't get benefits like unnecessary travel i.e. Pelosi and others. If the Park Service and others can't work or get their salaries then neither can the Senate or House (and staff). President Trump is right

for stopping travel benefits. The elected officials and their staff should be required to have continuing ed classes during their time in office. Lets start with "bullying" and learning to play with other Republicans and Democrats. Lets also have a training in what their oath of office means.

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Joyce D Reed, 1/28/2019 9:40 PM

They should have forgone all travel and negotiated with the Republicans until an agreement was made and the govt. was reopened.

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Top Celebs Jackets, 1/31/2019 2:40 AM

I am Daniel Lee, I am an American, being a neutral American, I would say it is not good to ban anyone from any country. Everyone has equal rights, all are human.

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Bettye Parker, 1/31/2019 6:28 PM

I believe that if you apply for a position running for office or otherwise and you are elected you are obligated to live by the bylaws, policies and procedures as you would in any other job or position, take all facts into consideration before voting or making decisions that affect the people and the state you represent , understand that your decisions are not about you personally and remember that you are suppose to treat others as you would want them to treat you if you were in their position, or resign & go home !

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Sally Linderman, 2/4/2019 1:33 AM

POTUS was brilliant in handling Pelosi. Apparently, Pelosi was maneuvering Trump by forcing him by doing the STOU on again, off again dance causing him to shut down the government. She had a trip scheduled to go overseas to meet with UN leaders, so he, in turn, canceled her trip overseas to meet with the World leaders, while POTUS and VP are working in the WH. Then you had a terrorist who was caught who had plans to blow up the WH while Pelosi would have been out of the country with her 93 friends and staff. If the terrorist had succeeded and Trump and Pence were killed in the planned explosion, who would have been next in line to be President? Next in line goes to Pelosi! Scary. Another thing we are going to have to watch out for.

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