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Week of November 13, 2023

Week of November 13, 2023
Posted: Nov 9, 2023
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 25

Topic: Republican Election Losses Due to Abortion Issue

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How concerned are you that the abortion issue is significantly responsible for Republican losses in the last two election cycles?

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25 comments on article "Week of November 13, 2023"

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Kerri Tonkin, 11/10/2023 9:48 AM

We got rid of Roe now let it go. It is up to the states to decide and with so many young women coming into voting age, education is a much better approach than political.

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Martha Hale, 11/10/2023 9:52 AM

The abortion issue is a democratic (and their media) talking point and republicans need to avoid falling for their trap. I believe that all Republican women agree that there should be a time limit on abortions.; that late term abortions are not abortion but murder. We can also agree that late term abortions do occur (reported in the CDC website) and that abortion should not be used as a means of birth control. These two issues set us aside from the Democrat talking points.

The overturning of Roe vs wade DID NOT stop access to abortion; it merely kicked the abortion issue back to the states. The states now decide about abortion. Why should a state where the majority of people are pro-life and are anti-abortion have to live by abortion-on-demand supported by some democratic leaning states?

Get your facts straight and state them effectively . Abortion is a no-win for republicans and we should stop pandering to the democrats

Thank you

Martha Hale

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Rhoni Harding, 11/10/2023 10:02 AM

I think that we lose elections on the abortion issue because of the totally dishonest way we allow democrats to discuss it and present it to voters. Their pro-abortion propaganda never ever presents medical scientific data about the living growing babies. Nor about the actual disgusting abortion procedure. Nor do they inform about and promote the many safe easy forms of 99%+ effective contraceptives! Their whole promotion is about “freedom, choice, etc and they make killing an unwanted baby into a nothing burger, a mere simple little (undescribed) act. Everyone has been or known or seen pregnant women!! Republicans need ads and campaigns that discuss abortions in terms of the baby, as a tiny cute innocent human with a Consitutional right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We need ads full of pregnant females, even teens, in that pose of hands supporting and embracing their heavy protruding bellies full of growing moving babies. Then the ads should show the sharp contrast between a happy adoption for an unwanted child or the cruel poisoning, dismembering, and forcible removal of a child (various ages, but especially late term) from its womb. With this enormous stark contrast a tag line could be: Yep, the choices are out there. Prevent, Present, or brutally kill.

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Penney Howe, 11/10/2023 10:11 AM

The Republican stance on abortion is only part of the problem. The elitism of the party and the top down decisions that are being made for the voters is the problem. Those that are making the decisions are not listening to the people on the street. They need to get out of their ivory towers and see what the voters really need

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Mavis, 11/10/2023 10:12 AM

It doesn't matter if a tough stance on abortion is responsible. We have to stand for what's morally right, no matter the cost. More people will lose respect for the party if we start waffling on our beliefs.

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Barbie Lorentz, 11/10/2023 10:33 AM

Abortion message is NOT a winning issue for Repbulicans. We must focus on the numerous winning messages: the economy, inflation, border mess, rising crime, on the verge of WWIII, craziness going on at major colleges across the country, the anti-semitism exploding around the country, parents rights regarding their child's education and/or interest in gender change etc!

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Sarah Murphy, 11/10/2023 10:34 AM

Abortion is a very controversial issue. While I personally do not believe in abortion (except under certain circumstances), I think it should be a state issue and not a Federal issue. That being said, states should consider choice (within reason), and definitely not allow late or post term abortions. This issue is hurting the Republican party, and not everyone that votes Republican believes in the way the party stands. Unless the party moves away from no abortion at all, we will continue to loose elections.

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Ola Morris, 11/10/2023 10:58 AM

I under no circumstances believe abortion is acceptable, I had the option of abortion, I refused, my child suffered until she made her transition and i question that decision many times because of her suffering but it was my decision and i made peace with it, I strongly believe that decision should be made between a Women, her Doctor and whatever God she serves.

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Nancy Goldcamp, 11/10/2023 11:18 AM

I've long believed that abortion is a civil rights issue. Women can speak, organize and vote, and the unborn can't, so some of us have to speak, organize and vote on their behalf, to uphold their civil rights. Abortion, at any stage in the life of the unborn child, is murder: the planned, willful killing of a human being. Americans need to hear this message, painful though it may be. To say it's a losing issue for Republicans is a cop-out. If we don't stand for the truth and for what's right, for all American citizens, born and unborn, who will? I get appeals from the RNC which ask me to choose from the given list which policy issues I support, and "pro-life" is not listed! This disturbs me greatly and is the main reason I don't donate my money to the RNC.

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Margie Palmer, 11/10/2023 12:52 PM

Abortion is wrong any way you look at it but the real problem for Republicans is how we talk about it. .. or avoid talking about it. The Supreme Court sent the choice back to the states and that is exactly where it needs to stay. It does not have to be a losing message for us but it does need to be part of our message

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Vicki Burch, 11/10/2023 1:09 PM

GOP needs to stop using the word "ban".

Why dummy craps think abortion is more important than secure borders, energy independence, lower taxes is beyond me. We are losing our freedoms.

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Ruth Foote, 11/10/2023 1:52 PM

I like Rhoni Harding’s ideas. Agree with Nancy Goldcamp. Abortion is the drum that the Dems beat day and night. Their pro death message is shouted from the mountaintops and the pro life message is suppressed. If the correct message is HEARD people will respond. It requires time and money. is moving forward successfully, email her and ask how to help.

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Anne White, 11/10/2023 6:12 PM

GOP candidates need to stop using the word “ban” and focus on something positive —- like ADOPTION.

Dems are going to continue winning in the issue, get with it GOP or we are doomed.

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Jan Burch, 11/10/2023 8:45 PM

In Northern Virginia where I live, none of the candidates emphasized abortion. On the rare occasions when it was mentioned, (usually at GOP-only events), they expressed reasonable limits, but they did not campaign on the issue. Yet Democrats ran ads insisting their opponent wanted to "ban" abortions and jail women who have an abortion. The problem isn't with Republicans. It's with Democrat's willingness to lie about the GOP position on abortion, and with the GOP's failure to denounce those ads as lies.

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Carol [Florida], 11/13/2023 11:45 AM

Democrats Ride Abortion to Election Victories

by Paul Dragu November 8, 2023

I think you will find this article at interesting.

WATCH: start at 0 to 9 minutes 50 seconds

Democrats are celebrating last night’s election victories — and crediting abortion as the issue key to winning. In Ohio, the people voted to enshrine the supposed right to abortion in the State Constitution; Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear won his reelection bid after he campaigned on expanding abortion access; in Virginia, Democrats kept their majority in the state Senate and flipped the House of Delegates by campaigning in competitive districts on the threat of an abortion ban; and Pennsylvania voters filled a vacant seat on their state Supreme Court with staunchly pro-abortion Democrat Daniel McCaffery.


Article: Abortion Enshrined in Ohio Constitution; Peril for Unborn in Va., Ky., and Penn.


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Carol [Florida], 11/14/2023 8:22 AM

💗💗💗 💙💙💙💗💗💗💙💙💙

Thank Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) for his pro-life stand. You can call (334) 523-7424, send an email through this link,

Matthew 19:25-26 With God All Things Are Possible

25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

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Isabel Hogue, 11/14/2023 2:24 PM

DNC is using abortion as their "anchor" issue to get out the vote.

Our RNC and elected officials have failed to get out the truth about abortion and the corrupt abortion/government industrial complex.

WHY this failure???

Our RNC leadership seems more concerned about protecting their sources of money instead of talking meaningfully about what really matters.


* rising property taxes

* job losses

* home prices and homes not selling

* corporations buying homes and converting neighborhoods from residental to rental occupancy

* developers buying up land and destroying animal habitat

* school quality decline

* health care quality decline

* people being forced to buy electric (battery operated) cars

* WAR and Foreign entanglements

* the borders

But they won't.

(And don't even mention out of control spending. The GOP has proven to us for decades they have no intention of doing anything about it.)

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Dinosaur, 11/16/2023 10:51 PM

These pages not only entertain children but also contribute to their cognitive development.

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Carol [Florida], 11/18/2023 5:31 AM

"Our Strategy Is Wrong': Pro-Life Leaders Reflect on Ohio Defeat

After decades of losses kept them on the defensive, the pro-life movement has been caught flat-footed now that the ball is in their court in a post-Roe America."

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Carol (Florida), 11/27/2023 7:58 AM

Abortion access and 2024 elections

Issue is probably not going to save Biden, nor is it likely to help Trump

By Michael McKenna - - Sunday, November 26, 2023


The recent defeat of the pro-life cause in Ohio has been identified as the ratification of a new moment in American politics, one in which red states ultimately are turned blue over the issue of access to abortion, which is popular, even in many red states.

When voters have had a chance to vote on the issue — in isolation — since the Dobbs decision, abortion access has won all seven times. Not surprisingly, the left, increasingly divided over fundamental economic and foreign policy issues, intends to use the abortion issue to improve turnout and reverse their recent electoral fortunes in states such as Virginia and Florida.

That certainly seems reasonable, but it is not at all clear the extent to which abortion politics affect general elections....READ the rest here at this link: Thank you!

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Loop Earplugs Promotional, 11/30/2023 4:17 AM

Republican election losses in 2023 and 2022 were partly due to the abortion issue, as many voters rejected the party's increasingly restrictive and unpopular stance on the matter. According to the news and web search results I found for you, Republicans lost seven consecutive elections on state ballot measures about abortion, failed to regain control of the Senate and only achieved a narrow margin in the House in 2022, and suffered defeats in Virginia, New Jersey, and other states in 2023. These results show that the abortion issue is a liability for the GOP, as it alienates moderate, independent, and suburban voters, especially women, who favor abortion rights or a middle-ground approach. Some Republican leaders, such as RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and Rep. Nancy Mace, have acknowledged the problem and called for the party to rethink its abortion policies and messaging. However, the GOP is divided and lacks a clear strategy on how to deal with the abortion issue, as some lawmakers and activists insist on pursuing a hardline anti-abortion agenda, while others prefer a more nuanced or state-based approach The abortion issue is likely to remain a challenge for the GOP in 2024, as Democrats will continue to use it to mobilize their base and appeal to swing voters. Loop Earplugs Promotional

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Brian Allen, 1/3/2024 2:25 AM

Whether or not a firm position on abortion is to blame is irrelevant. At all costs, we must stand up for what is ethically right. We have to be more consistent in our principles or more people will start to doubt the party. Follow your heart and the guidance of angel numbers.

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bitlife, 12/9/2024 9:24 PM

Gamers are problem solvers. Puzzles, quests, and missions encourage analytical thinking and creative solutions, skills that are invaluable in everyday life.

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vijay singh, 2/5/2025 12:40 AM



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vijay singh, 2/5/2025 12:40 AM


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