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Washington Federation Springs Into Action at Board Meeting

Washington Federation Springs Into Action at Board Meeting
Posted: May 16, 2023
Categories: State Federations
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The WFRW Spring Board meeting was a huge success!

We had an add-on workshop with Glen Morgan of We the Governed. He traveled the distance and gave a quick Voter Integrity update then continued on with news about a group “Act Blue” that is collecting and funneling mega dollars into democratic campaigns across the country. Very interesting, extremely alarming and a definite “call to action”. 

We did have fun with “Fun with Fundraising” presented by Roxanne Husmann, NFRW Fundraising Chair, Past WFRW President and current President of the Virtual Club, along with Jan Grayhek, Ponderosa Republican Women. The take away was to make it fun for all, try new things, “ask” for help or donations, advertise your event, get members involved in the process. Handouts were provided and will help.

“Commanding Your Communications” lead by Teri Sinclair, WFRW 1st VP, with assistance from Carolyn Williams, WFRW Legislative/Public Relations Chair. Communications is vital in an organization, but it can be challenging. There are a lot of options available on the market that could benefit your club. Newsletters and social media are essential ways to communicate with members and have a positive influence. Handouts were given at the training.

Is it possible to “Perfect your Parliamentary Procedures”? Sandi Peterson, WFRW Resolutions Chair, and President of North Whidbey Club sure tried! Using the “Parliamentary Procedure – A matter of order” pamphlet, published by the American Legion, the attendees had a takeaway for basic use at their meetings. As Sandi mentioned, we use Bob’s rules most of the time not Robert’s Rules. Keep it simple, repeat motions for clarification, and go slow.

The Winners’ Circle Reception Friday Evening was themed WFRW Picnic with Grab ‘n Go snacks and drinks.There were potted plants of lettuce and strawberry and a filled picnic basket as door prizes. We had a fun “get to know you”, followed by our guest speaker, (and Linda Bishop President of Grant) Brandy Tucker. Brandy is the Marketing Director of the Washington Potato Commission. And you don’t know what you don’t know about potatoes! We had a great time with her.

Friday evening’s keynote speaker, Dr. Linnea McCord, member of Skagit RW Club and author of “The Wisdom of Ants” was awesome! She gave a very impressive power point presentation of historical proportions regarding political and economical issues leading up to where we are today. Having lived around the world growing up has given her a unique perspective on current global events. She received two standing ​ovations and remained for questions and conversations well past the end of the speech. Special thank you to Dr. McCord for offering the book sale proceeds to WFRW!

Our Saturday luncheon keynote speaker was our very own, Sharon Hanek, WFRW Treasurer and Activist. Her topic was “An American Samurai”, a story of courage and perseverance. It was fascinating, moving, and inspirational. She is, as she puts it, a Samurai Princess, directly descended from the sun god.

Saturday’s BOD Meeting was jam-packed with business including officer and committee reports! With a special report from Marlene Pfeifer, WSRP National Committeewoman. At this meeting, we elected 7 WFRW At-Large Delegates to attend the NFRW Convention and BOD Meeting in Oklahoma City in September, 2023. The BOD adopted 1 Courtesy and 2 Emergency Resolutions which included the Keep Nine Amendment.

We ended our time together in celebration with cake, noting the 85th Birthday of the National Federation of Republican Women.


- Special workshop with Glen Morgan of We the Governed regarding Act Blue

- WFRW President Billie Jean Liedahl and Recording Secretary Janet Backe

- Winners' Circle potted plant winners

- NFRW's 85th cake


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