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Club Spotlight

Ponderosa Republican Women of Spokane County (WA)

Ponderosa Republican Women of Spokane County (WA)

Club Hosts Garden Party Memorial and Fundraiser

Ponderosa Republican Women of Spokane County, Washington, gathered for the 2nd annual Sharon Silzel Garden Party.

Monday, August 8, 2022/Author: Earl Moore/Number of views (424)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Fresno County and City Republican Women Federated (CA)

Fresno County and City Republican Women Federated (CA)

Clubs Hosts Roaring Twenties Gala with Larry Elder

Fresno County & City Republican Women Federated of California hosted a Roaring Twenties Gala with special keynote speaker Larry Elder on July 26. Attendees numbered 150 and guests dressed as their favorite gangster, silent movie star or flapper.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022/Author: Diane Pearce/Number of views (344)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights