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Club Spotlight

Republican Women of Wickenburg (AZ)

Republican Women of Wickenburg (AZ)

Club Hosts Meet & Greet for Primary Winners

Republican Women of Wickenburg, Arizona, hosted the primary winners from the state, county and local elections.

Thursday, September 12, 2024/Author: Denise Johnson/Number of views (131)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Mason Republican Women (OH)

Mason Republican Women (OH)

Club Attends "Reagan" Movie

Mason Republican Women of Ohio recently attended the "Reagan" movie.

Friday, September 6, 2024/Author: Janice Roeder/Number of views (143)/Comments (2)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Visalia Republican Women Federated (CA)

Visalia Republican Women Federated (CA)

Club Fills Three Movie Theater Rooms for "Reagan" Movie

Visalia Republican Women Federated of California is excited to share our recent "Reagan" movie event on August 21 was an overwhelming success. We filled three theater rooms with enthusiastic attendees, and the feedback has been nothing short of fantastic. The film provided a powerful reminder of President Reagan’s legacy, and many shared how inspired they felt after watching it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024/Author: Sharon Preston/Number of views (148)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Wood County Republican Women's Club (OH)

Wood County Republican Women's Club (OH)

Active Club Member Recognized as State Federation's Most Senior

At the recent Ohio Federation of Republican Women annual meeting, Wood County Republican Women's Club member Patricia Hodges was recognized as the most senior member in our club and in the Ohio Federation at age 99.
Friday, August 23, 2024/Author: Beverley Hirzel/Number of views (149)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Onslow County Republican Women (NC)

Onslow County Republican Women (NC)

Club Writes 500 Letters of Encouragement to Christian Voters

Onslow County Republican Women’s Club (NC) is doing its part to get out the Christian vote for the 2024 election.

Friday, August 23, 2024/Author: Linda Howard/Number of views (152)/Comments (2)/
Categories: Club Spotlights