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Federation News

Iowa Federation of Republican Women Advancing Mission, Adjusting Methods, During COVID Crisis

Iowa Federation of Republican Women Advancing Mission, Adjusting Methods, During COVID Crisis

On the front lines advancing conservative causes: Barbara Hames-Bryant, IowaFRW president

The Iowa Federation of Republican Women, a conservative group of women on a mission, continues its work to elect Republicans while following health proclamations issued by Governor Kim Reynolds during the COVID-19 crisis. “Our commitment is strong, our work continues, and we remain on the front lines advancing conservative causes and getting out the vote for Republicans running for office,” said Barbara Hames-Bryant, IowaFRW president.

Thursday, April 9, 2020/Author: Barbara Hames-Bryant/Number of views (1354)/Comments (3)/
Categories: State Federations
Republican Women of Purpose (TN)

Republican Women of Purpose (TN)

Caring for America, starting in the Mid-South

Republican Women of Purpose (TN) would like to challenge NFRW clubs to donate canceled luncheon/meeting fees to their local food banks.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020/Author: Mindy Fischer/Number of views (1466)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
NFRW Conducts First Virtual Board Meeting Due to COVID-19

NFRW Conducts First Virtual Board Meeting Due to COVID-19

President Schockett: 'While plans change, the NFRW moves forward.'

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – When the COVID-19 pandemic prevented the National Federation of Republican Women’s (NFRW) 2020-21 Board of Directors from gathering in person in late March, the NFRW met the challenge head-on by trying something new: a virtual meeting.

Saturday, April 4, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (1771)/Comments (0)/
Categories: NewsNews Releases
