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Federation News

Washington County Federated Republican Women (TN) Enters Float in Fourth of July Parade

Washington County Federated Republican Women (TN) Enters Float in Fourth of July Parade

Washington County Federated Republican Women of Johnson City, TN, had the privilege of entering a float built like a boat in the Fourth of July Parade in Jonesborough, TN.

Friday, July 26, 2019/Author: Sharon Boreing/Number of views (3023)/Comments (0)/
Beavercreek Republican Women's Club (OH) Hosts Legislative Day

Beavercreek Republican Women's Club (OH) Hosts Legislative Day

Beavercreek Republican Women's Club of Ohio hosted Legislative Day in Columbus.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019/Author: Janet Kushlan/Number of views (2400)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Orange County (CA) Clubs Host Legislative Day at Nixon Library

Orange County (CA) Clubs Host Legislative Day at Nixon Library

Painting Orange County 'RED'

On July 13, the Richard Nixon Library was the scene of a lovely multi-club event for legislative issues sponsored by the Pat Nixon, Fullerton, Brea, and LaHabra Republican Women of Orange County, California.

Sunday, July 21, 2019/Author: Jeannie Lewis/Number of views (2590)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Local Clubs
Ohio Federation Celebrates Women's Suffrage Anniversary at Cincinnati Reds Game

Ohio Federation Celebrates Women's Suffrage Anniversary at Cincinnati Reds Game

The Ohio Federation of Republican Women helped commemorate the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage at a recent Cincinnati Reds game.

Monday, July 15, 2019/Author: Janet Kushlan/Number of views (2890)/Comments (0)/
Skagit County Republican Women (WA)

Skagit County Republican Women (WA)

Congratulations to Skagit County Republican Women on its new board of directors, energetic revitalization and a membership that has tripled.

Friday, July 12, 2019/Author: Dee Drewry/Number of views (2788)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
