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Sweet Union Republican Women, North Carolina

Sweet Union Republican Women, North Carolina

This is a picture of several of our members helping with registration at one of our NCFRW State Board Meetings. We have 73 members and 27 Associate Members. We have been busy through the spring having Candidate Forums; Congressional and Local and we participated in our Military Red, White and Bundled Baby Shower for families at Ft Bragg. Another activity will be our trip to Ft Bragg Fisher House where we take items they need. We helped take part in our Lincoln Reagan Day Dinner where our speakers were Diamond and Silk. During the dinner, SURW put on a Silent Auction Fundraiser. One of our members, Barbara Harrison, was voted by the County GOP to replace one of the members of the Board of County Commissioners. Doing good, moving forward and getting ready for November!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018/Author: Diane Pomykacz/Number of views (3906)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Is a Virtual Club Right For Your State?

Is a Virtual Club Right For Your State?

Meeting Online Gives Members More Options

A virtual club is part of a State Federation of Republican Women and assembles, meets, conducts business, trains, and presents virtually. Outside of how the women meet or engage, there is no difference between virtual clubs and traditional clubs. At the State Federation level, there is no difference.

Thursday, May 24, 2018/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (3818)/Comments (1)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
Virginia E-Club Successfully Travels Virtual Information Technology Highway

Virginia E-Club Successfully Travels Virtual Information Technology Highway

Chartered in September 2013, the Kings Highway Republican Women’s E Club is the first “Virtual” club in the State of Virginia and the second nationally. As Virginia Republican Women pioneers, on the uncharted new Virtual Club Frontier, the Club faced significant challenges for the first year, but with an energized talented membership, the club's pioneer spirit took on the challenges forging the new trail, the virtual information technology highway.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (4289)/Comments (0)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
