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Federation News

More Than Weekend Warriors: Navy Reserves  Celebrates 107 Years Today

More Than Weekend Warriors: Navy Reserves Celebrates 107 Years Today

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

The mission and assignments of the Naval Reserves have shifted since its establishment in 1915. Once upon a time, belonging to the Reserves classified members as “weekend warriors,” but times have changed.

Thursday, March 3, 2022/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (647)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Committees
Dona Ana County Federated Republican Women (NM)

Dona Ana County Federated Republican Women (NM)

Club Introduces New Tradition With Political Portraits

Dona Ana County FRW has introduced a light-hearted element to their club meetings to help ease the heavy political climate looming over our state and nation.

Thursday, March 3, 2022/Author: Shona Neff/Number of views (612)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
NFRW President Issues Statement on SOTU Address

NFRW President Issues Statement on SOTU Address

Eileen Sobjack, President of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), issued this statement following the State of the Union Address.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (784)/Comments (3)/
Categories: NewsNews Releases
