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Federation News

Sweet Union Republican Women, North Carolina

Sweet Union Republican Women, North Carolina
Posted: Jun 23, 2017
Categories: Club Spotlights
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Club Spotlight

We have a great group of Republican women who strongly come together when there is a need, such as elections.

Over 50 percent of the members work the polls, the headquarters, etc., during elections. We have 65 members, and -- we are proud to say -- 27 Associate Members who support us, as well.

In addition to attending our monthly meetings, many ladies are involved in the county GOP, as well as the 9th Congressional District. We are concerned about legislation, and at the lead of our legislation chairman, we get involved.

A statewide Baby Bundle Shower is something that we attend each year and contribute fun baby items to. One of our members is a NCFRW State Vice President, so some of us go along with her and attend some of the other club's meetings. Every August we partner with another club to put on the Judges' Picnic at one of our member's homes and invite judicial candidates and elected judges so people can meet and spend time with them and then assist in their campaigns.

-- Diane Pomykacz, President

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