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Federation News

Mt. Hood Republican Women (OR)

Mt. Hood Republican Women (OR)
Posted: May 24, 2023
Categories: Club Spotlights
Comments: 0
Author: Lisa Cassel

Club Attends Oregon Federation Spring Board Meeting

Five members of Mt. Hood Republican Women had the opportunity to attend the Oregon Federation of Republican Women Spring Board Meeting. We had a jam-packed two days, filled with a variety of learning and networking opportunities. 

The event kicked off with Legislation Day. The Oregon FRW was welcomed and thanked for their enduring hard work by our elected officials directly from the House and Senate floors. 

Then we were off to the Presidents' Round Table, where we heard from every club president in attendance on the state of their clubs.  Next, it was cocktails and the "Mystery Handbag Auction," dinner. We then ended the evening with an exciting game of bingo. 

The next morning started early, first with breakfast, followed soon after with the meeting being called to order. We discussed the business of the state and heard from two guest speakers, Liberty House and the Military Uniform Museum. We had a delicious buffet lunch and then elected our delegates and alternates for the NFRW Convention.

It was such an incredible two days, filled with sisterhood, education, and love of country.  If you have an opportunity to go to your state board meeting, jump at it, you will not be disappointed.


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