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Federation News

Minnesota Federation Holds Succesful 'Republican Women's Day at the State Capitol' Event

Minnesota Federation Holds Succesful 'Republican Women's Day at the State Capitol' Event

Event Held Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak

Hosted by the Southwest Conservative Republican Women's Club, the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women's annual "Day at the State Capitol" Event, held March 5 prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, was fun and educational.

Sunday, March 15, 2020/Author: Kathy Tingelstad/Number of views (1831)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Minnesota FRW Hosts 'Tribute to Women' Celebration

Minnesota FRW Hosts 'Tribute to Women' Celebration

Women's Suffrage Centennial Celebrated at Biennial Convention

Pam Myhra, who served a Minnesota FRW president from 2016-2018, and other MNFRW members were honored as part of the "Tribute to Women" celebration event at the Biennial Convention of the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women.

Thursday, November 7, 2019/Author: Kathy Tingelstad/Number of views (2363)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
