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NFRW President Ann Schockett's Special New Year Message

NFRW President Ann Schockett's Special New Year Message

'We are the NFRW! Together, We Will Triumph!'

The National Federation of Republican Women stands proud and ready to protect the cherished values of the greatest nation in the world. I am honored to serve alongside you as President during one of the most critical eras in American history. It will be our efforts that will fortify the mission of NFRW and elect more Republicans – and Republican women – than ever before at every level of office.

Friday, January 10, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (3268)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Articles
Meet Senate Designate Kelly Loeffler of Georgia

Meet Senate Designate Kelly Loeffler of Georgia

America's Newest Senator is Proud Conservative Woman

"Contrary to what you see in the media, not every strong woman in America is a liberal," says Kelly Loeffler, who will be the first woman to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate when she takes office January 1, 2020. "Many of us are conservatives, and proud of it."

Thursday, December 12, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (2087)/Comments (0)/
Categories: ProfilesCandidates
Vice President Mike Pence Makes Surprise Stop at NFRW Regents Event

Vice President Mike Pence Makes Surprise Stop at NFRW Regents Event

Extends Hearty Hoosier Welcome for 40th Biennial NFRW Convention

Vice President Mike Pence surprised NFRW Regents by stopping by their reception at the Indiana State Museum on Thursday, September 26, to give them a warm Hoosier welcome to Indianapolis for the 40th Biennial NFRW Convention.

Thursday, September 26, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (2785)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Articles
NFRW Slate of Officers for 2020-21 Announced

NFRW Slate of Officers for 2020-21 Announced

The 2019 Nominating Committee has unanimously nominated the following Slate of Officers to serve the National Federation of Republican Women for the 2020-21 term.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (5019)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Articles
Achievement, Heitman Awards Forms Get New Look

Achievement, Heitman Awards Forms Get New Look

The 2018-2019 forms for the Club Achievement Awards and the Betty Heitman Awards for State Federations have a new look. Both forms are in a fillable format.

Friday, May 10, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (11250)/Comments (1)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
