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Federation News

Concho Valley Republican Women (TX)

Concho Valley Republican Women (TX)

Club Stays Busy Spreading Hope for Future With Spring, Summer Activities

Concho Valley Republican Women of Texas has been busy spreading hope for the future.

Sunday, July 31, 2022/Author: Beth Uherik/Number of views (443)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Republican Women of the #RedWave: Regan Deering

Republican Women of the #RedWave: Regan Deering

Republican Nominee for U.S. House, Illinois' 13th District

Like so many other parents across the nation, Regan Deering had an eye-opening experience about the state of public education during the COVID lock-downs. Afraid for the future of her three children, this former science teacher decided it was time to get off the sidelines. After successfully suing Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker over the mask mandates for school children, she decided to jump into politics, winning a tight four-person primary in Illinois CD-13 by less than 700 votes.

Friday, July 29, 2022/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (673)/Comments (0)/
Categories: ProfilesCandidates
Korean War Veterans Armistice Day – July 27

Korean War Veterans Armistice Day – July 27

By Becky Bechtel, NFRW Armed Services Committee

July 27 is the day set aside to remind all Americans of those who served and died in the Korean War, often called the Forgotten War.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (1411)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Committees
Federated Republican Women of North Dade (FL)

Federated Republican Women of North Dade (FL)

Club Hosts School Board Candidate Forum with 'Education, Not Indoctrination' Message

The Federated Republican Women of North Dade (Florida) proudly hosted a School Board Candidate Forum yesterday. The Forum was energizing and informative as school board candidates were given the opportunity to share their visions for education in South Florida.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022/Author: Maricel Cobitz/Number of views (322)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Greater Fayette Republican Women's Club (GA)

Greater Fayette Republican Women's Club (GA)

Club Tours Georgia Governor's Mansion

Greater Fayette Republican Women's Club members and friends met at the Georgia governor's mansion for a tour of the historic home. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022/Author: Angela Bean/Number of views (465)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
