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Federation News

Ohio First Lady Hosts OFRW Teas at Governor's Mansion

Ohio First Lady Hosts OFRW Teas at Governor's Mansion

Ohio's First Lady Fran DeWine hosted teas at the Governor's Mansion in October in appreciation of the ladies of the Ohio Federation of Republican Women.

Friday, October 11, 2019/Author: Janet Kushlan/Number of views (2893)/Comments (0)/
Be Part of History: Volunteer with the Charlotte Host Committee for the 2020 RNC Convention

Be Part of History: Volunteer with the Charlotte Host Committee for the 2020 RNC Convention

Volunteers are needed to help support the Charlotte Host Committee, CLT Host 2020, Inc., from August 24–27, 2020, during the 2020 Republican National Convention. CLT Host 2020, Inc. aims to showcase the Charlotte region and the states of North Carolina and South Carolina as a premier business environment and world-class convention and event destination.

Friday, October 11, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (5820)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Articles
2020-2021 Executive Committee Elected at Convention

2020-2021 Executive Committee Elected at Convention

Delegates to the 40th Biennial Convention made pivotal decisions as they elected the women who will lead the National Federation of Republican Women during the 2020-2021 biennium. The slated candidates drew no opposition and were elected by acclamation on Saturday, September 28.

Sunday, September 29, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (6242)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Articles
National Federation of Republican Women Presents Reagan Award to Texas GOP Leader

National Federation of Republican Women Presents Reagan Award to Texas GOP Leader

State Federation President Receives Honor at National Convention

INDIANAPOLIS – Texas Republican leader Karen Cuneo Newton was awarded the prestigious Ronald Reagan Leadership Award during the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) 40th Biennial Convention held Sept. 27-29 in Indianapolis.

Saturday, September 28, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (2840)/Comments (0)/
Categories: NewsNews Releases
NFRW Members Log More Than 5.2 Million Campaign Volunteer Hours in 2018-2019

NFRW Members Log More Than 5.2 Million Campaign Volunteer Hours in 2018-2019

Delegates to the 40th Biennial Convention made pivotal decisions as they elected the women who will lead the National Federation of Republican Women during the 2020-2021 biennium. The slated candidates drew no opposition and were elected by acclamation on Saturday, September 28.

Saturday, September 28, 2019/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (1991)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Articles
