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Federation News

California Federation Responds to COVID-19

California Federation Responds to COVID-19

Members Contribute Thousands of Face Masks Throughout State

California Federation of Republican Women members are making and donating thousands of facemasks to local communities across the state during these unique times.

Friday, April 24, 2020/Author: Sue Blair/Number of views (1614)/Comments (3)/
Categories: State Federations
Tennessee FRW Helps

Tennessee FRW Helps

In the midst of COVID-19 restrictions and severe tornadoes damaging the Nashville area in March and the Chattanooga area last week, Tennessee Federation members have found ways to help their communities

Thursday, April 23, 2020/Author: Barbara Trautman/Number of views (1499)/Comments (1)/
Categories: State Federations
Iowa Federation of Republican Women Advancing Mission, Adjusting Methods, During COVID Crisis

Iowa Federation of Republican Women Advancing Mission, Adjusting Methods, During COVID Crisis

On the front lines advancing conservative causes: Barbara Hames-Bryant, IowaFRW president

The Iowa Federation of Republican Women, a conservative group of women on a mission, continues its work to elect Republicans while following health proclamations issued by Governor Kim Reynolds during the COVID-19 crisis. “Our commitment is strong, our work continues, and we remain on the front lines advancing conservative causes and getting out the vote for Republicans running for office,” said Barbara Hames-Bryant, IowaFRW president.

Thursday, April 9, 2020/Author: Barbara Hames-Bryant/Number of views (1358)/Comments (3)/
Categories: State Federations
Alabama Federation Visits Governor's Mansion During Legislative Days

Alabama Federation Visits Governor's Mansion During Legislative Days

The Alabama Federation of Republican Women enjoyed breakfast and photos with Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey at the Governor's Mansion during Legislative Days, held February 17-19, 2020, in Montgomery.

Thursday, March 19, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (1910)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Minnesota Federation Holds Succesful 'Republican Women's Day at the State Capitol' Event

Minnesota Federation Holds Succesful 'Republican Women's Day at the State Capitol' Event

Event Held Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak

Hosted by the Southwest Conservative Republican Women's Club, the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women's annual "Day at the State Capitol" Event, held March 5 prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, was fun and educational.

Sunday, March 15, 2020/Author: Kathy Tingelstad/Number of views (1831)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
