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Federation News

Keeping the 'Memorial' in Memorial Day by Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

Keeping the 'Memorial' in Memorial Day by Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

By the NFRW Armed Services Committee

The NFRW Armed Services Committee encourages us to remember those who paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms by observing Memorial Day on May 25.

Thursday, May 21, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (1521)/Comments (0)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
Tennessee FRW Clubs Host 'Veetings'

Tennessee FRW Clubs Host 'Veetings'

Republican Women don't let COVID-19 restrictions keep them from conducting their Federated Club business. Veetings -- or Virtual Meetings -- are the new quarantine communication.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020/Author: Barbara Trautman/Number of views (1502)/Comments (0)/
Montana FRW Plans Statewide GOTV Haybale Contest

Montana FRW Plans Statewide GOTV Haybale Contest

The Montana Federation of Republican Women is planning a statewide get out the vote "Haybale Contest," with a $1,000 grand prize for the most creative idea.

Sunday, May 17, 2020/Author: Shirlee Keffer/Number of views (1451)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Protecting Your Privacy While Working From Home During COVID-19

Protecting Your Privacy While Working From Home During COVID-19

Remember, if your network reaches out to the world, the world has a path back in.

Because of nationwide shutdowns, most of us have increased our use of the internet. Unfortunately hackers and state-sponsored cyber criminals have also been busy, increasing their efforts to match our own. Please be aware that everything you do online is probably “watched” by someone, no matter how good your security is.

Thursday, May 14, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (1611)/Comments (7)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
Protecting Our Elections During COVID-19 and Beyond

Protecting Our Elections During COVID-19 and Beyond

Voter Roll Accuracy, Vote Verification Critical to Ensuring Reliability, Veracity

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats are pushing to allow voters to vote by non-traditional means (mail, online, etc.) that raise questions about security. Frontline experts have outlined procedures that would make our elections more reliable and accurate.

Thursday, May 7, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (2543)/Comments (0)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
